What's the point in trying to explain to your work mates the thousand reasons you're late for work ?
Ok , I'm late for work.
My car is broken,
I cant men
d it beca
use there's not enough light to see
There's no light to see because Iv'e had to get up too early.
Ive had to get up too early so I can try to
make it to work on time
because my ca
r is br
So mend i
t this evening ?
There's n
ot e
nough light to mend it
, because by time I get home it's dark
Why go home when it's dark you ask ?
cause I'm trying to make up time for when I was l
ate this mo
...and yes , I was late because my car is broken >:O(
...and so on. Repeat for several days until it's the weekend.