Monday, April 02, 2007 choice

This was pretty much my experience of trying to eat out in Croatia.
The Ford Model T approach, you can have anything to eat as long as it is fish.

Its rude to complain though, I seem to remember it was all very good. I was happy to sample what ever was available, even the beef steak fish.
I shall have a chance to try again soon. Im off sailing around the Dalmations in May.

Which is nice.


OldHorsetailSnake said...

Dalmations? Those the ones we call the Dog Islands?

Miss Cellania said...

That was pretty much my experience in Hong Kong. I wish you'd done this toon before my Seafood post!

sim said...

Well spotted Hoss :O)

Miss C, You should have checked the Flickr site I have a whole Group dedicated to 'Sea life & death'.
Allwasy free for you to grab.