Wednesday, January 03, 2007

...morning after the year before,

This should have said; "When Jeff awoke, he remembered he had also blown a number of his new years resolutions" , but I've resolved to clean up my act.


OldHorsetailSnake said...

This is VERY funny, Pluto, either way.

Anonymous said...

I once knew a guy that on a dare....well, you get the point. AND I AM NOT DEAD NOR IGNORING YOU..well, not purposefully anyway. I hope to visit more often this year and see my name back on your blogroll (sniff, sob, sniff, sob) No pressure. Really.

Anonymous said...

It's the traffic cone that makes it for me.

Anonymous said...

It's the mark of a good night to have collected traffic cone in the morning.

The more cones the better the night before

Anonymous said...

That is TOO funyy!! I have to go back to Hoss' place and thank him for sending me over here!

HA, ha, ha, ha, ...