Wednesday, January 24, 2007

...old blues.

Im finding 36 a strange age.
Socially too old to socially do the things I want to do.
In my mind too young to want to give them up.


OldHorsetailSnake said...

You are a great cartoonist/blogger. Only, why does guy only have 4 fingers? Better he should be playing a ukulele.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

You are a great cartoonist/blogger. Only, why does guy only have 4 fingers? Better he should be playing a ukulele.

Pam said...

36!!! You're a child. You're not too old to do anything.

sim said...

Hoss, it's an unwritten rule that cartoons have only 3 fingers , & it did nt do Django any harm as a guitarist either. :o)

Thankyou Isobel, welcome back .
Its not that I don't do what I want.
I do pretty much everyhing I want to, but there are things that I should put behind me & say enough is enough despite what my mind tells me to do.

I don't think its so much that I'm a child , but revel in being a little childish sometimes, despite the fact that I know better. ;o)

Jean&Vic said...

just remember that inside every old person is a young person, wondering to themself" what the hell happened?"
Honestly though, I have never found a cure for age, just for the folks who feel you have to grow old ( let them). I repeat to them, I grew up a long time ago, but refused to act mature. I am still a kid, and will be as long as I can get away with it.