Wednesday, March 15, 2006

...Tall sheep.

Returning from crewing on the tall ship.
So I arrived back last night after 10 or so days awayat sea.
Tired from an 13 and a half hour journey including hitting the London underground in rush hour with 20 KG of bulky sailing kit in tow.
So I have not been drawing, & so no posts have been made for a few days.
This shall be rectified when I can keep awake.
For now make do with the photo taken from near the mast head, me hanging on for dear life.
This was an interesting experience all together. One in social interactivity in a reletively confined space more than just a sailing experience. One iv'e not really reflected on yet. So im not going to comment.
Did I learn anything about myself ?, well possibly, but not what I expected.
The accent of a 135 foot mast in rolling seas seems only a little part of the whole.
I may write this up soon & make fun of it ,but for now I need sleep.

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