Monday, May 08, 2006

...great apes.

The problem with drawing cartoons is that people like cartoons, I think its considered throw away art, something that's trivial & expended once the humour has been extracted. This I suppose I have no problem with.
My problem with my cartoons is that as soon as people knew I was drawing them again at lunch times, then I get harassed by office staff asking for requests.
So I loose yet another lunch time doing something for someone which always makes me feel constrained & awkward.
Im always being asked to do caricatures, I truly hate this. It's not my thing. There are not many people in the world that look like dead sheep, so I struggle. (even fewer wear red booties).
Evil Plutos is going to have to emerge one of these days and put spikey things in the eyes of people who approach me as a lesson to others.
Or I should start wearing a sign "Beware, I'm grumpy".

Any way this is my excuse for not doing a bloggable cartoon today. The one I did was handed over and taken away never to be seen again. So I've posted yet another really old one.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, I asked you once to do a caricature.........sorry......I shall bury myself neck deep in fire ants and slather myself in honey.
You could recognize the fact that you are TALENTED! Say that in the mirror three times a day, Sim. Say "I am talented" and then smile.
Now, for this small Tish treatment, I shall only charge you a
PS Love the ape - can it step on someone specific for me?